Zonta International is a worldwide service organization dedicated to improving the legal, political, economic, educational and professional status of women. More than 36,000 Zontians in over 1,100 clubs in 61 countries use their collective strength to help individual women throughout the world realize their potential.

Zonta International actively works to promote the status of women through its long-standing relationship with the United Nations and some of its agencies. It holds consultative status with the U.N., and maintains 10 U.N. representatives, making Zonta a powerful force in the development of international policy.

International projects include the following:

Prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission of HIV and Gender-Based Violence in Rwanda (In cooperation with UNICEF)

Elimination of Obstetric Fistula and the Reduction of Maternal and Newborn Mortality and Morbidity in Liberia (in cooperation with UNFPA)

Safe Cities for Women Project in Honduras (in cooperation with UN Women)

In cooperation with the UN Trust Fund to End Violence against Women:

  1. Mass Communication with a Purpose: Global Partnership on Edutainment for Social Change

  2. Empowering Women in Rural Samoa to Combat Violence

For more information about our International Projects, click on the following website.


The Zonta club of Louisville was chartered on May 14, 1960. Like all local Zonta clubs, its objectives are:

  • To stimulate the desire of each member to be of service;

  • To promote good fellowship as an opportunity for service;

  • To quicken the interest of each member in the welfare of the local community, and to cooperate with others in its civic, social, commercial, and industrial development.

For over 50 years, Zonta Club of Louisville has served our community in advancing the status of our women through projects and grants.  Our dues and contributions support Zonta International's Foundation and Service Projects.